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CEA-Leti, a technology research institute at CEA, is a global leader in miniaturization technologies enabling smart, energy-efficient and secure solutions for industry.
Founded in 1967, CEA-Leti pioneers micro-& nanotechnologies, tailoring differentiating applicative solutions for global companies, SMEs and startups. CEA-Leti tackles critical challenges in healthcare, energy and digital migration. From sensors to data processing and computing solutions, CEA-Leti’s multidisciplinary teams deliver solid expertise, leveraging world-class pre-industrialization facilities.

With a staff of more than 2,000 talents, a portfolio of 3,200 patents, 11,000 sq. meters of cleanroom space and a clear IP policy, the institute is based in Grenoble, France, and has offices in Silicon Valley, Brussels and Tokyo.

CEA-Leti has launched 76 startups and is a member of the Carnot Institutes network.

This work benefited from a government grant managed by the French National Research Agency under the France 2030 program, reference “ANR-22-NEXG-0001”

Tyndall National Institute

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Tyndall National Institute is a research flagship of University College Cork and a leading European research centre in integrated ICT (Information and Communications Technology) materials, devices and systems.

Tyndall is Ireland’s largest Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) specialising in both electronics and photonics. Tyndall works with industry and academia to transform research into products in its core market areas of electronics, communications, energy, health, agri-food and the environment.

With a network of over 200 industry partners and customers worldwide, we are focused on delivering human and economic impact from excellence in research. Tyndall is home to a research community of over 600 people of 48 nationalities.

Silicon Austria Labs

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Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) is Austria’s top re­search center for Elec­tro­nics and Soft­ware Based Systems (ESBS). At three loca­tions (Graz, Villach, Linz), more than 300 employees are working on future-oriented solu­tions for indus­trial produc­tion, health, energy, mobi­lity, safety and more.

SAL brings toge­ther key players from industry, science and re­search and thus valuable exper­tise and know-how and conducts coope­ra­tive, appli­ca­tion-oriented re­search along the ESBS value chain. Coope­ra­tive projects (in accor­dance with Euro­pean state aid law) are co-financed by SAL and enable a fast and unbu­reau­cratic project start. SAL is thus shaping the high-tech loca­tion Austria and Europe and unfol­ding the future.

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

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VTT is a visionary research, development and innovation partner for companies and the society. We bring together people, business, science and technology to solve the biggest challenges of our time. This is how we create sustainable growth, jobs and wellbeing and bring exponential hope.

VTT is one of the leading research organisations in Europe, and we have nearly 80 years of experience in cutting-edge research and science-based results. Our more than 2,000 professionals work to develop systemic and technological solutions that can bring about fundamental transformation. We promise to always think beyond the obvious.

“By accelerating companies’ sustainable growth, Business Finland generates prosperity and well-being for the Finnish society.”


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Imec is a world-leading research and innovation center in nanoelectronics and digital technologies. Imec leverages its state-of-the-art R&D infrastructure and its team of more than 5,500 employees and top researchers, for R&D in advanced semiconductor and system scaling, silicon photonics, artificial intelligence, beyond 5G communications and sensing technologies, and in application domains such as health and life sciences, mobility, industry 4.0, agrofood, sustainable energy, education …

Imec unites world-industry leaders across the semiconductor value chain, Flanders-based and international tech, pharma, medical and ICT companies, start-ups, and academia and knowledge centers. Imec is headquartered in Leuven (Belgium), and has research sites across Belgium, the Netherlands and USA and representation in 3 continents. In 2023, imec’s revenue totaled 941 million euro.

Fraunhofer Group for Microelectronics 

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Founded in 1996, the Fraunhofer Group for Microelectronics coordinates the research activities of the Fraunhofer institutes working in the fields of microelectronics.

Since April 2017, eleven Fraunhofer institutes of the Group for Microelectronics have been working together with two Leibniz institutes FBH and IHP as the Research Fab Microelectronics Germany (FMD). As a one-stop shop, FMD has been combining scientific excellence, application-oriented technologies and system solutions into a customer-specific offer in the field of micro- and nanoelectronics. The activities of the Fraunhofer Group for Microelectronics and the FMD are coordinated by the joint office in Berlin. This office represents the institutes and acts as a central point of contact for research, industry and politics as well as for the cooperation partners.

The Centre for Advanced Materials and Technologies CEZAMAT

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The Centre for Advanced Materials and Technologies CEZAMAT, part of the Warsaw University of Technology is one of Poland’s largest high-tech research and development investments.
The Centre allows for the carrying out of new marketable technologies with commercial potential. It offers access to a semiconductor technology line with the possibility of processing 200 mm wafers. The infrastructure allows for conducting interdisciplinary research and commercial processing services in the following areas: Nanotechnology, Micro- and nano-electronics, Micro- and nano-photonics, Microsystems, Printed electronics, Nanomaterials, functional materials, Bio-med-chem engineering.

Subsidized by the undertaking of the Minister of Science entitled “Implementation of the project FAMES – FD-SOI Pilot Line for Applications with embedded non-volatile Memories, RF, 3D integration and PMIC, to ensure European Sovereignty”

Grenoble INP – UGA

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Major public institution for higher education and recognized research hub, Grenoble INP – UGA plays a major role in the scientific and industrial community. Our 8 engineering and management schools, 38 co-managed laboratories and 21 technological platforms are closely tied to the industrial world and open to the international scene. Each year, we deliver 2620 engineering and masters’ degrees, and 230 PhDs.

We work to solve major challenges of the 21st century in key fields: digital, industrial, energy, environment. National leader for scientific publications (7,260 per year), top 5 institutions for researchers and patents (Industrie & Technology, 2018), second in France of the most innovative universities in Europe (Reuters 2019), we also reach top 150 position of the Shanghai 2023 global ranking (5th in France) as part of Université Grenoble Alpes.


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ICTEAM/ELEN team of UCLouvain is a multidisciplinary team, involving device physicists as well as analog, RF and digital designers. It runs two technological platforms: WINFAB cleanroom and WELCOME characterization. A large expertise has been developed on advanced electronics’ materials and devices, characterization and modelling since the 90s. Nowadays, our team is internationally recognized in the field of RF SOI, particularly for the characterization expertise on FDSOI structures, from substrate to device, toward the design and modelling. Since 2020 our expertise has been extended toward THz, as well as spiking neuromorphic, and recently, around AI accelerators. Furthermore, our team has acquired quite a unique expertise in the evaluation of the environmental impacts of ICT.

University of Granada

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The Nanoelectronics Laboratory at the University of Granada is a multidisciplinary research team composed of Electronic and Material Science Engineers, Physicists, and Telecommunications Engineers. Their mission is to explore the behavior of nanoelectronic devices and their applications to societal challenges. The research focuses on:
– Structural and electrical characterization of nanodevices; – Advanced electronic measurement techniques;  Simulation and modeling of semiconductor structures; – Fabrication and analysis of 2D semiconductors; – Co-integration of 2D materials and Silicon CMOS.

The lab has pioneered memory cell technology, edge computing, sensing, optoelectronics, flexible electronics, and biomedical applications of nanoelectronics. As a member of the SINANO Institute, it collaborates with many institutions across Europe and others worldwide. Over the past decade, the lab has participated in 15 European projects, leading initiatives in various research programs

SINANO Institute

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The SINANO Institute is the European Academic & Scientific Association for Nanoelectronics, acting as a network of excellence connecting the European Research and Academic community in semiconductor science and technologies gathering 27 members and 21 deeptech Start-ups in the area of emerging nanoelectronic materials, devices, circuits and systems from 16 European Countries. The SiNANO Institute is also organising international Workshops/ Conferences to develop high competence levels in Europe, and to drive roadmap definition. In this context, SiNANO is the European representative of IRDS “International Roadmap for Devices sand Systems”.

SiNANO plays an important role in structuring EU programmes and nurturing synergies in the European ecosystem. In collaboration with Research Institutes and Industry, SiNANO strengthens the overall innovation efficiency of the European research in Nanoelectronics.


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